Sunday, March 27, 2011


“Make it simple but not less simple” (cf. Einstein)

The “War Rhetoric” is only a medial playing ball thrown to occupy the mind of the opposition! Medial SRE Diversion campaign!
Please think of the hard fact, that Melese is not so stupid to make a real war against Eritrea, unless the threat of a mass uprising against the autocratic rule of Isayas becomes immediately real in Eritrea! This is just how dictators dandle eachother in reciprocal solidarity, even if they are apparently enemies!

Nonetheless it has a purpose. The purpose of the war rhetoric is
1- Provide dictator Isayas with a "beautiful" pretext to crash any social uprising against his rule, as an intervention from Ethiopia
2- Stifle all potential sources of the social “tsunami”s, which threaten the region; he has "secured" his own region
3- Save his own autocratic rule from any possible mass uprising in Ethiopia by damping the source of the social “fire” in “his” periphery region.
4- Discredit any social uprising against his own regime with his campaign that it is "designed from Shabia"

That is the New SRE, possibly designed in the Saudi courts, the refuge of all dictators.
1- Medial diversionary attacks, campaigns and manipulations
2- Preemptive security measures, like  threatening or declaring wars.
Measures against ”weak” dictators to save the “big” dictators; or
Ultimately armed occupation or support with armed forces direct intervention just before a mass uprising unfolds  …
Their lessons from the neighbor of Saudi Arabian, the “Bahrain” uprising, to prevent “NEW TUNISIAs”!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Success Story has no end...

The success story reported again,

"Addis Ababa, March 23 (WIC) - Saudi Star Agricultural Development Plc, a food company owned by billionaire Sheikh Mohammed al- Amoudi, said it plans to invest $2.5 billion by 2020 developing a rice-farming project in Ethiopia.
The company, based in Addis Ababa, leased 10,000 hectares (24,711 acres) in Ethiopia’s western Gambella region for 60 years at a cost of 158 birr ($9.42) per hectare annually, Chief Executive Officer Haile Assegide sai
d "  

A simple middle-class apartment in an average European city may cost $9,42 per square meter in a month, and annually this would be 12 times $9,42 per square meter.

That means, annually you would pay 12x more for the square meter than the Saudi investor does for the hectare in Gambella.  In other words with the annual-amount you pay for the square meter apartment, the Saudi investor gets 12 hectares; these are 120,000 square meters (1ha = 10,000).
If you can afford an apartment of 100 sq.meters, you would get a lease of 1200 hectares.
If you come together with 10 other Ethiopians under the same conditions, you would get a lease of 12000 hectares; 2000 hectares more than the Saudi Investor (10 000 ha.) would get.

If you have as much capital as you would pay for your apartment, it is an easy game.

If not and If you go to a bank to get the amount of capital what the Saudi Investor needs, this would amount to 10,000 x 9,42 = $ 94,200 a year. If you pay an interest of 10 % for this, it will be $9,420 per year. If you spare the extra 2000 ha. (to remain at the simple calculation),  you have enough savings to finance the interest for two consecutive years.  2000 x 9,42 = 2 x $9,420.

And at last all you need is the starting operative investment capital. A Start Capital, what a healthy nationally oriented commercial bank would be obliged to grant to its citizens. – Citizens, who are ready to work for themselves and the national development of their country.

To play with the round figures; How much?

"$2.5 Billion to Build Ethiopia Rice Farm." ...$2,500 000 000…This can make an investment of $250 000 each for 10 000 share-holders. The duration of the investment is 10 years, until 2020. In other words every shareholder needs to invest $25 000 per year on every hectare of the total of 10 000 hectares. Or one can make it cumbersome or a state-project with private holdings and a lot of combination-models are possible (1*. Given that 60% of the investment can be financed by a national development bank, the proprietors capital necessary for investment would be only $10 000 per year from each share-holder (10 000 share holders).

If you look behind the curtain; what the “big” investors are doing, is essentially nothing more than this calculation provided in all details by their canny-greedy consultants and accountants. They don’t perform miracles to get their capital out of the blues; and our big investor presumably collects also his investment capital, that he manages and administers,  from his 10 000 Saudi friends and citizens, who would employ all their influence of their King Abdullah to enforce  the protection of their investment in times of crisis, like what they are doing upto employing their armed forces in Bahrain these days - the days of social movements for Human Dignity.

Summa sammarum:
If there is the good Collective WILL, is this difficult for any state and government to organize and encourage its own citizens, to operate along this line; instead of going abroad in all directions of the globe, with “Land for Sale/ Ethiopia for Sale (clip)” shield, unless there is some hidden strategic agenda of domination etc.  – the new brand of Neocolonialism (clip).

BUT to be clear, the above narrative is only out of the perspective of the "investor and investment". The perception from the perspective of developing prosperity in coherence with the objective of sustaining nature and culture (the indigenous culture of the people) as a quality of life may however produce a very tragic story (clip).
In the context of the moment, it remains to say:

What a Success Story? 

Gambella/ Ethiopia for Sale-

During the last 20 years, every Ethiopian knows that the “melese-world-acclaimed/" "democratic election" by the ruling clique in Ethiopia has not taken place for the first time in 2010. As far as I remember this has never been traded by the Melese ruling clique, as "a five year contract with the people of Ethiopia" etc..  Moreover, the academic discourse about "Democracy" as a form of contract etc. is four centuries old, so that no one would hardly come on the notion to make this a theme of a press conference.

So why is "contract" a subject of discussion for Melese!

These days, I think when Melese is talking about "the contract“, be it remembering the crash course he made on the "Hobbes" and  "Locke’s” State;  or pedaling between "The state, is it me"?  "the king" or "the rule", there are  rather some other facts which are haunting him in his subconscious.  The contracts of the land grabbing and similar projects scattered for out-sales into the globe of investors around India, Saudi Arabia, China, South Korea, until recently even Libya and Egypt or Nigeria or  Djibouti etc. !

The subconscious, as diligent as it is in every creature makes the simple arithmetic like the above, without consulting him or his "Excellency",  and gives the notes to the conscious designated  as  a life-threatening fact, since any Ethiopian is more or less aware of this. It would thus look for a survival justification with the consequence of prattling some stuff, which would take every normal citizen by surprise:

"The five years contract I made with the people"; "I can do and leave what I like during these days!";
And the witty sub-conscious suggests further the soothing internal remark

„Don’t worry;  you will be relieved from the specter in five years; to win the next election again and again... and the contract is for your and your children’s whole life time ….-60 years and more!"

"You can do and leave what you like during these troubling days of year 2011; Moreover every social movement is a question of terrorism, security force, - or you can call it  - law and order; like every one of your genre does...Go ahead; tell them that you would chop their fingers (clip), if they don't  fit in the the royal houses of the investors do it"!

And so the sub-conscious would delegate the conscious to spit out the context-less concepts in the realm of confusion to play the parody of the wise leader - the wise tyrant, to claim the  "honor" of the late Mubarek, who was being praised for his wisdom until very recently by almost all politicians of the "pragmatic school" from the west, the East, the Far East , Middle East and the whole Arab world as well, except his own people, to leave the polit-arena for good on the day of the "account" – 11.02.2 011  - The Dignity Day of Egypt – 

ከመቃብር በፊት...
ሰው ለመስራት ብቻ ከፍቀደ አየሩ
ክህነት ካላችሁ አሰቡ መርምሩ
ተራ  ከገባችሁ ዘክሩ አስዘክሩ
ያልሆነው እንዲሆን ምከሩ ሞክሩ~~~
ሽቀጣና ሽቀት እንዳይሆን ሃገሩ
አንድ ቀን እንደሆን አይቀር መቃ-ብሩ።

"Move, Click and Tick" in the aquarium!

*** collective
** interactive
* sovereign

Operating capital ($)
Share-capital ($)
Shareholders’ number
Investment duration/year
2,500 000 000
250 000
10 000
2,50 000 000
25 000
10 000
2,50 000 000
2 500
100 000
2,50 000 000
1000 000
2,50 000 000
10 000 000

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Rationale and Guide for Nonviolence

This Post is reproduced (from Monday, 18 January 2010)

here again to help the social movement of the youth, which has correctly deserved the name - SOCIAL Tsunami - shaking all tyrannies around the globe. -Tyrannies, which don't refrain  to employ all the means and the violence at their disposal, like what we are witnessing these days in Libya, Bahrain or Yemen, to extend their defunct survivals; whereas JAPAN is standing up to its challenge as one Nation, to save every single man/woman of its People from the NATURAL Tsunami and partially man-made disaster it is facing. 

May ALL tyrannies come to their downfalls!

Hoping that JAPAN can cope with all the challenges and severe days it is facing today, it is now high time that Humanity has to reflect to the utmost to question the vulnerable trajectory  civilization has taken so far, negating  the very fundamentals of its future existence!

A Rationale and Guide for Nonviolence

".... life, from its beginning more than three billion years ago, did not take over the planet by combat but by networking."....Fritjof Capra /

Revolutions and wars are exceptions to the rule, coup d'etats are perversions of the rule....And the rule seems to be evolution embedded in creativity/emergence, whose existence becomes apparent in due time and space to initiate a fundamental change..... That is, I presume, the Kernel of human experience in history

Nonetheless, it has to be noted here that Year 2011 has given us the opportunity to witness that there are good and bad exceptions.  EGYPT and the nonviolent youth movement for FREEDOM all over the Arab World and North Africa are testimonies of these good and beautiful phenomena liberating the MIND of every soul! (16.03.2011).


What is the inter-relation between social structure and collective consciousness ?
What is the role of structure and collective consciousness in our future human development...?

Following is an aspect which I think is very relevant in our context and helpful for our community's political dead-lock:

Chapter Twenty-Two

A rationale and guide for nonviolence
as a basis for conscious evolutionary activism.

Hier reproduced in summary in accordance with the permission of the author:

In any situation or system, seek ways
to replace force with consciousness.
Force, in this context, refers to the use of coercion or
overwhelming strength or power to dominate, control, or otherwise
get one's way, often against resistance. The power used
can be physical, economic, social, intellectual, emotional, military,
psychological, technological, etc. The more force used,
the less we take into account the nature or needs of the Other.
The more we take the Other into account, the less force and
resources we need to accomplish mutual ends.
Consciousness, the capacity to be aware, in this context,
includes all the interior dimensions and capacities of life that
can—among other things—help us deal successfully with
our changing world by sensing, understanding and creatively,
collaboratively relating to the conditions in us and the entities,
interactions, and contexts around us.

This evolutionary moment challenges us to bring the power
of consciousness to bear on the process of self-reflective evolution
itself to replace the creative violence of supernovas, lifeand-
death struggles, and wars with highly aware intelligence,
wisdom, and care.

So as evolutionary activists, we seek to replace force everywhere,

in every entity (every individual, group and
in every interaction (every conversation, exchange,
conflict, and engagement with nature);
in every context (every situation, culture, gathering,
community and urban design); and
in every form of consciousness (in all sensing,
learning, visioning, morality, and all other forms
of thinking, feeling and experience).
Our consciousness then evolves
towards true collaboration, where we—
you and I, us and our adversaries,
humankind and nature—help each
other get what we each need and want—in cooperatives,
family conversations, in deliberative democracy, in Nonviolent
Communication, in permaculture.

This shift from force to consciousness is the fulcrum of
human evolution at this critical time—at individual, collective,
and systemic scales.
As we reach our planetary limits, the downsides of force,
violence, and control become increasingly obvious. Our
technological and social capacities to generate harm through
our efforts to force, impact, and control people and life—no
matter how well intended—threaten our extinction.
The more fully we understand, the less force or energy
we need or want to use. The less energy we use to serve any
given need, the more efficient and elegant our systems and
behaviors become, making them favored by natural selection
and the general directionality of evolution.
Guidance concerning evolutionary means:

A addresses the role of conversation.
B talks about creative use of diversity.
C explores how to handle dissonance.
• D discusses deep, inclusive simplicity.
Guidance concerning realms of evolutionary action:
• 1 deals with the health of the systems themselves.
• 2 deals with contexts and systemic awareness of them.
• 3 deals with the systemic capacity to effectively respond
to complex, changing circumstances.
1. Cultivate healthy self-organization.
• Cultivate healthy behavior
• Cultivate healthy power
• Cultivate healthy flow

2. Cultivate healthy systemic contexts.
• Healthy social context.
• Healthy contexts that govern meaning
• Healthy physical contexts
• Healthy natural contexts

3. Cultivate healthy systemic responsiveness and collective
• Cultivate collective intelligence, learning, and
memory -
• Cultivate collective self-awareness, integrity,
and humility -
• Cultivate the collective capacity to generate and
pursue shared intentions -
• Cultivate systems that embody collective compassion
and mutuality -
• Cultivate the collective ability to make wise,
creative decisions -
• Cultivate collective co-creativity and evolutionary
sensibilities -


This is a section/chapter from Tom Atlee's " book :

"Reflections on Evolutionary Activism"....

(Tom Atlee & friends : ....These are....interesting intellectual and activist circles of our generation...with a lot of new insights and ideas)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Toxic Notes from ...A Prophet of Regionalism

Toxic Notes from the unpublished diary of a Philosopher
- And a prophet of Regionalism (*

I am a prophet. -Not only a prophet, but also a philosopher of regions1) and regionalism. There used to be a region – an old region called Utopia. This region happened to be an empire. An empire has in the rule an emperor and it is the case with this one too. The emperor wanted to be modern and brought some of us into school. Three of us, among the youth were outstanding; outstanding specially in revolting against the emperor, whom we took to be a proxy for our authoritarian fathers. We were good at teaching; we did that a lot and lead the youth to oust the emperor, because we thought we could make it better, in the project of being modern. 

I was the philosopher and the prophet on regions and so, as true as my prophecy, it happened that regions emerged out of the blues in the region of the emperor’s empire. Out of the three outstanding children of the empire`s region, I was the only one who survived to make it to the top, one year before "the end of the world" in 2012; according to the prophecy of the Mayas –in my capacity as a prophet, perhaps my genetic ancestors. 

I made it to the top in year 2011,  in one of the two regions, which emerged after 1991 – the bigger region,  which is highly contested by other regionalists to construct as many regions as possible in the region, where not less than a hundred regions, with innumerable conflicts, were living together during the era of the emperor.  The bigger region, where I am infamous as a philosopher, managed to exist for 20 years, containing the emergence of other regions; apart from the northern region, which was lost 18 years back, in favour of one top regionalist, who succeeded to outsmart one of my outstanding comrades in arms.

Yes, two of my outstanding comrades in arms, who went astray, counter to my advice have not survived to see the fruits of my project – regionalism. In those beautiful visionary days of my youth, the first outstanding comrade of my youth had an illusion, which he called a vision of social transformation. He wanted to achieve his project by trading on the might of the military for a while; in a similar precedence, like what the military, managed to do in ousting the emperor by undermining our youth movement. The second one promoted, by all costs, persuasion & force, the liberation of the northern region, in a tandem with the top regionalist from the northern region, with the purpose of liberating the rest of the empire’s region thereafter. But he, as well as the other was captured and killed by the military. -The military, which claimed to have the will of saving the region of the lost empire, by all means of brutality; -the military, whose "brave" leader, fled abroad just before my "heroic" regionalists invaded his region. 

So I am the only ONE, of our youth movement, who survived to make it to the top. I am not the biggest but I am embodied to the top and under the tight grips of the biggest in the new region; the southern region.  I.e. south of the independent northern region, which has maintained its own regionalist leader too, for all the years I can recall, beginning from our youth movement up to liberation and after liberation. It may be his life time project.

All to the dismay of my second comrade, who didn’t survive to see the debris of his project, and the betrayal of his tandem ally, this northern region, under its regionalist leader, has become independent -true to my prophecy –and there are therefore two independent regions in the lost region of the empire. And by the way, the biggest leader of the southern region is also said to be outstanding in his way. He was an inconspicuous young nationalist from the north, later a converted regionalist summoned by fate and wit to lead the bigger southern region. He made it to the top, mainly due to a coincidence of political events with international significance, when the military lost its international allies (the breakdown of a political block, which called itself socialist), by winning new friends from the west abandoning all his earlier ideological commitment. He has the hearsay of being outstanding by his supporters - but outstanding in his brutality too, according to his opponents, with a tick for -"chopping fingers"- of all those, who differ to his thoughts. This one has ruled the southern region for the last 20 years, by force and corrupting his opponents, including myself. Nonetheless, may be afraid of my intellect, he resisted the temptation of my advice…refrained  for so long  to call me to the higher realms of power and influence, until today, though he exiled me to the center of my lost passion, education & the youth, where I feel at home. Of course, I am grateful for that bit too.  But at last, he decided now - to summon me to his immediate proximity – to the center of his realm and region, in search of my advice - my expertise- which my last two comrades in arms neglected, to be condemned not to survive their projects. I am the survivor – the survivor prophet of regionalism, who can help, advise and teach the art and philosophy of survivalism.

Alas and at last, I am the recognized advisor of survivalism, who can help all tyrants in danger to develop a cunning instinct of survivalism. Actually the “leader of the south from the north" has enough of this capacity. But thanks to the movement of the youth in 2011, which is ransacking all the tyrannies of our continent in the north and the rest of the Arab world, this leader of the southern region is somehow shaking too, with the consequence of looking for my support.

My expertise-stocks have never been as high as today- as an old guard of the youth movement, who might know the internal dynamics of such a social movement. What an irony! If only they knew that I am more scared than the tyrants themselves deep down to my bones; because of the very three facts, I know in advance: 

1. According to my philosophy of regionalism, all regions are not immune to the dynamics of the youth. It really deserves its new signification: a social Tsunami, not less powerful than the natural tsunami Japan is suffering these days (see Maya Calendar). The last emperor could have a lot to tell on its momentum, if he had survived this dynamics.

2. I know that intellectuals and tyrants are not compatible. I am not the happiest with my new advisor post and the proximity to a tyrant. My first comrade in arms could have a lot to tell, if he had survived the region of the military regime.

3. I know that the new youth movement has learnt a lot from history – the art of non-violence. My late second comrade in arms could have a lot to tell, if he had survived the violence he himself had ignited in our youth movement of our region.

Therefore, if only they, specially my critics, knew, as bony as I look like; that I am scared down to my bones, they would have a pity with me. Oh people of regionalism save the philosopher of regionalism, I am condemned to living in A Bottle. –In a bottle, by the bottle and for the bottle; abandoning all the project of my youth - for the people, by the people, to the people of my region!!!  

One last note, for those who took me for a genius and wonder on my conscience and intellect, at face value: - This is just the face value, behind which I was a victim of my innate feeling, “I feel, therefore I am” – and not “I think therefore I am”- with my unconscious somatic-markers and neural mirror systems, not free of prejudice and bias, with a long history of personalized evolution, working against the mastery of my intellect. - An intellect which once in a while, can make and write beautiful lectures and speeches but a body which resists to live at the level of the rational principles of my intellect, negating – abandoning the higher reality of life, guided by the universal rationality of human reason. Thus, I am not an exception to all those lives driven by their basic instincts!

A very last note: You know philosophers are survival artists. There have never been philosophers who lost their lives in battle fields. If they lose their lives it is mostly because of their fingers, working for the Truth. In my case though, I am sure, if my survival art fails, it is not because of the fingers (threatened to be chopped by the leader of the southern region) but the bottles. -Fingers which I, particularly saved for the toxic bottles. – Bottles which are negating my life in a curious Hegelian dialectics of the bottles and the fingers, to elevate me to the higher realms of the Hegelian Absolute- the Absolute BOTTLE! -The toxic absolute bottle, which ends my life sooner or later. -The sooner the better, before I too, witness the debris of my life project – Regionalism. The New Youth, seem to work hard to turn its illusion of The NEW UTOPIA into a vision of reality, which, I must admit, would sooner or later come true –the only truth I dare to admit, when I am alone with my bottles!

THE END of the story…

1) I apologize for the exhausting reiteration of my concept "region"...This is one of the subtle methods we regionalist philosophers employ to subscribe you to  our creed & breed!
(* A fictitious parody!